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4880 E Butte Rd
Live Oak, CA, 95953
United States

(530) 713-1983




The Obsidian varietal grows on trailing vines and ripens early in the season. These berries have a beautiful glossy finish and dark black coloring. They are large, with small to medium seeds and medium acidity. This sweet berry is excellent for jamming.

AVAILABLE IN 9 OZ. or 4 oz. jars as a JAM OR PRESERVE

Online orders taken through the "Contact Us" page

$10.00 per 9 oz. jar or $5.00 per 4 oz. jar plus shipping


Obsidian blackberries, pure cane sugar, and pure lemon juice.

No Pectin  •  No Preservatives
Available in 4 oz & 9 oz Jars as a Jam, Jelly or Preserve
